Captioning and Transcription Services Nationwide, Since 1994
Expert, professional, fully-credentialed captioners and transcribers who use the latest technology.
Plus superb, personal service! Call us today for an estimate or to discuss your captioning, transcribing and post-production needs.
Founded in 1994, Riverside Captioning Company is a full-service captioning, transcribing and post-production firm with nationwide coverage.
We offer all types of captioning and transcribing for all sizes of organizations and all types of events.
Serving virtually every segment, from education and non-profit to business and sports, Riverside Captioning is known across the U.S. for its captioning accuracy and timeliness.
Employing only the most talented captioners, Riverside guarantees its real-time captioning work at a minimum of 98.5% accuracy, and its post-production captioning at 100% accuracy.
Riverside offers services for virtually every industry segment:

- TV broadcast captioning
- Radio show captioning
- Education captioning
- Business captioning
- Sports captioning
- Stadium events captioning
- Religious events, gatherings and sermons captioning

- Meetings, conferences and interviews captioning
- Focus group captioning
- Captioning for interviews
- Captioning for public speeches
- Press and publicity event captioning
- Captioning for depositions and hearings
- Webcast captioning